Benefits Showing Why Education Is Important to Our Society
People with education can better interpret their environment and recognize their rights. They are also more difficult to manipulate. They can use facts rather than emotions to make judgments. Furthermore, a higher education level improves the understanding of the needs of others and social conflicts. A better education translates into a higher quality of life. So, why is education so important for our society? Read on to discover the benefits of education.
Less access to education leads to inequality
Educational inequality is a complex social issue caused by unequal educational resource distribution. You can read about it by experts of Top Essay Writing resources. It suppresses social and economic mobility and enables poor and socially excluded individuals to achieve less than those with higher socioeconomic status. Inequality in access to education can be categorized into four major areas: educational access, educational achievement, and social mobility. Other forms of inequality often accompany inequality in education.
Less inequality leads to crime
Many people believe that less inequality in our society means less crime, but this is not always the case. There is evidence to support the opposite, however. The authors of a report in the Journal of the American Sociological Association state that less inequality is not a causal factor in the increasing rate of crime. The researchers studied a cross-section of industrialized and developing countries and found that less inequality is associated with a lower rate of homicide. Other researchers, such as Poveda, studied crime rates in seven major Colombian cities. Other researchers looked at crime in South Africa and Latin America, as well as other countries.
Less crime leads to better health
It is no secret that less crime is linked to better health. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a nation’s health is directly proportional to its crime rate. Yet, we don’t know whether less crime is the primary factor, as many researchers believe. The researchers examined the impact of crime on health and included variables such as unemployment and the size of police forces. Regardless, these results seem to point to the positive effects of crime reduction.
Less crime leads to happiness
If we reduce crime, we will live happier lives. This has been proven to be true across various socioeconomic and cultural studies, albeit with mixed results. In this article, we review the literature on crime and happiness. Interestingly, the relationship between crime and happiness is largely unidirectional. Although crime and happiness are related, how social inequality affects happiness is less clear. Social inequality seems to be linked to the prevalence of exclusionary tendencies.